4 min read
Feb 28, 2021 10:52:37 AM

Is Netflix halal or haram?

This is one of the big questions across the Muslim world and it’s not just about Netflix. It’s also about the many other forms of subscription television and movie networks, such as Alchemiya, Disney+, Kayo Sports and Amazon Prime.

So, does watching Netflix and these other services accord with the principles of Islam? While these platforms were not available during the periods in which the holy scriptures of the Quran and the hadiths were written, there is much in these texts that provide guidance on whether they should be considered halal or haram.

This article offers an unbiased view of the issue with arguments for both sides of the debate.

The Content of Streaming Platforms

Put simply, there is no scriptural basis for streaming services to be haram. However, there is some content that may very well be considered haram.

Although streaming networks are relatively new, the question of whether their content is halal or haram is not. Films and television have been around for much longer and have already raised the question.

The major question is whether the content we consume is in accordance with the moral system of Islam. This system fundamentally concerns having love and respect for God.

Therefore, if the content of streaming services promotes attitudes that are degrading of others, then these are most likely haram. However, this is not to say that the depiction of degrading behaviour is itself haram.

The prophet Mohammed said: ‘Whosoever follows a path to seek knowledge therein, God will make easy for him a path to paradise’.

There are also many practices that Islamic teaching does not approve of, such as lust, gambling, and drinking alcohol. As a rule, these themes should be avoided in the shows and movies we watch, unless there is a good reason.

So, streaming platforms offer content that is both enriching and useful. But they may also offer content that is contrary to the moral principles of Islam.

Why We Use Streaming Platforms

It is not just what we watch on platforms like Netflix, but also why and how we watch them.

There are many good reasons why we may want to access streaming platforms. In particular, we may seek streaming platforms for recreation or education.

Rest and recreation are not contrary to the teachings of Islam. In fact, rest is viewed as something that believers themselves find in God. For example, the Quran states that: ‘Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest!’ (13:28).

But God also created people to be curious and fun-loving, which is why children have a natural disposition to play and why adults are inclined to forms of recreation. These features form part of the concept of fitrah, which is the natural way that God created humans, including all of their inclinations.

So, if we come to streaming platforms with good intentions of learning or recreating, then this is completely halal within Islam.

How We Use Streaming Platforms

The next question is how much we use streaming services.

From a health perspective, it is important we take the time to relax and recreate. Doing so can ultimately provide us with greater energy to fulfil our obligations to God and others.

But this points us to the other side of the coin: We cannot only seek rest and recreation. We are also called to be industrious, to do things for others, and to be steadfast in our worship (particularly through prayer).

For example, the hadith says: ‘Verily, Allah loves that when anyone of you does something he does it perfectly’ (Al Bukhari). So, we are compelled to show commitment and work hard at our endeavours.

We must remember also the obligation of the salah to pray to God each day. If we seek out our own satisfaction at the expense of showing praise to God, then this is haram.

So too are Muslims called to take time and effort to help others. In the hadith, the authority Abu Huraira states: ‘Whoever relieves a believer’s distress of the distressful aspects of this world, Allah will rescue him from a difficulty of the difficulties of the Hereafter’.

From this perspective, it is easy to see how using streaming services purely for our own satisfaction may come at the expense of our call to help others.

In sum, then, we should use streaming services as much as we need them for our proper rest and relaxation, but not abuse this and forsake our other obligations to work, worship, and helping our fellows.

The Actions of Streaming Service Providers

The last aspect to consider is whether we should give our money to streaming service providers like Netflix, Alchemiya, Disney, and Amazon Prime.

One issue may be that when we give our money to these companies, we may inadvertently be paying for the production of content that may be haram. Even if we do not consume this content ourselves, we should be aware that others may watch it and be negatively influenced by it.

However, no explicit teaching suggests we should avoid these companies for this reason. Also, it is very difficult to exist in the modern world while being certain that all the money we spend is used for righteous purposes.

A further issue is that some of the companies that provide these streaming services may be engaged in other activities that are not morally upright.

At the very least, Muslims should make themselves aware of the actions of the companies they deal with. This will allow them to make better decisions about not only whether they are engaging in halal or haram behaviour, but also whether they are indirectly contributing to such behaviour.

Everything in Balance and Consideration

At the end of the day, it all comes down to being considerate about what we watch and why. It’s also about keeping our recreational activities balanced with the other aspects of our lives.

Islam provides a place for everything and leaving time for rest, and recreation is undoubtedly included. So, there is no reason to feel guilty when taking a little bit of time for yourself and watching a show!

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