Privacy Policy

About this policy

The trustee for Salaam Foundation Trust (“Salaam Foundation”)

Salaam Foundation’s adoption of the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) and the requirements of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Privacy Amendment Act 2012 (‘the Act’) formalises our commitment to ethical conduct and practice in regards to privacy.

Salaam Foundation seeks to observe the privacy safeguards laid down by the Act when collecting, storing, using and disclosing personal and sensitive information. We also give individuals access and correction rights in relation to their personal information in compliance with the Act.

If you are a subscriber, donor, beneficiary or other, of the Salaam Foundation, please be assured that your personal information will only be used in the manner and for the purposes set out below..

Collecting information – from you

Salaam Foundation collects information from individuals who make donations, apply for a scholarship or sponsorship, and from people who make enquiries about our services via letter, email, telephone or website.

We will collect your personal information including name, email address, date of birth, occupation, signature and other contact information from you which is deemed necessary to complete your subscription, registration, and/or application. We will also collect your personal information, as provided by you, if you make an enquiry about our services.

In some cases, we may collect your credit card information (e.g. your credit card number and expiration date, billing address, etc.), some of which may constitute Personal Data, to secure certain payments. In addition, if you use our third-party payment processing services, we will collect financial information from you (e.g. your bank account information) as necessary to facilitate payments.

We collect information about our subscribers and applicants when they complete registration forms for events, applications for scholarships, applications for sponsorships, or sign up to mailing list subscription forms.

We may also be provided with information about Salaam Foundation subscribers, donors, applicants and other, from other related parties to the organisation.

In all cases we endeavour to ensure that information collected is correct. If you are a Salaam Foundation donor or beneficiary, you will receive transaction confirmations, and correspondence. We ask that you check this information and contact us immediately should you become aware that your details require updating or alteration.

Why we need your personal information

We use information collected about you for a number of purposes:

  • to identify you
  • to provide information to you and to ask you whether you are interested or satisfied with our events and services
  • assist you in queries you may have
  • for market research and analysis
  • for promotion and marketing

You may opt out of receiving any marketing or promotional material at any time, including us not to use or pass on your information for this purpose.

Sharing of Personal Information

You should be aware that information may pass between members of the Salaam Foundation group of companies for any of the purposes set out above including but not limited to:

  • Crescent Wealth Funds Management (Aust) Limited “Crescent Wealth”
  • Crescent Institute Limited “Crescent Institute”
  • Crescent Think Thank Limited “Crescent Think Tank”

Also, for the purposes set our above, information about you may also be passed to:

  • Third parties which provide services in respect of the Salaam Foundation, including:
    • Ticketing and/or payment platforms
    • Catering organisations and venues
    • Mail houses and mail distributors
  • Other members of the Salaam Foundation group of companies and their affiliated bodies and entities
  • Australian Securities and Investment Commission
  • Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission

We ensure our third-party service providers are subject to the provisions of the Privacy Act. Under our contracts with them, they have a contractual obligation to abide by privacy law and to protect your information.

We will not pass on your personal information to unrelated or unaffiliated parties for their marketing purposes. We would seek your informed consent in the event this policy changes.

The quality of the information we collect

We endeavour to ensure that any information we collect, use or pass on is up-to-date and accurate. We request that you contact us in the event your details change.

The security of information about you

It is not appropriate for information about you to be de-identified or destroyed. Salaam Foundation take precautions to prevent the misuse, loss and unauthorised access or modification or disclosure of your information.

These precautions include: the use of verification data before information about your registration or profile is provided over the telephone or via the internet, restricted access to files, security checks on computer data, securing of data held on company networks, and a contractual requirement for service providers to use appropriate mechanisms to protect personal information. Information management is subject to an in-house compliance system with defined standards and monitoring.

Please note, we cannot guarantee the privacy of your information if you choose to correspond with us via email.

Information about our management of your information

This policy is available to any person who requests it. In addition, we would like to encourage you to contact our Privacy Officer (see below) if you have any individual concerns relating to the collection, use or security of information about you.

Access and/or correction of your information

Please contact us immediately should you become aware that any information we have about you is incorrect. In the event we dispute a correction you wish to make, we shall place your disputed information on the file, together with the unaltered statement of information, until such time as the matter can be resolved.

Unless there are exceptional circumstances around your files, we will provide you with copies of our current records about you. If you wish to see your information, we ask that you make a request in writing and allow us seven working days in which to forward it to you.

Circumstances in which access to your records might be denied or restricted could be as follows. Please note this list is not intended to be exhaustive:

  • providing access would have an unreasonable impact on the privacy of another individual;
  • the information relates to existing or anticipated legal proceedings between you, us or any related party and would not be available by a process of discovery in those proceedings;
  • providing access would prejudice negotiations we have with you;
  • providing access would be unlawful or likely to prejudice an investigation into unlawful activity;
  • the request is frivolous or vexatious.
Your ability to deal with us anonymously

You may contact us and seek to obtain any general information or assistance you wish without identifying yourself.

However, for reasons of security, you will not be able to obtain information about your transactions without identifying yourself first.

Direct Marketing – How we capture information on our websites

The use or disclosure of personal information for direct marketing purposes, except in specified circumstances is prohibited. Subject to the operation of other direct marketing legislation, such as the Spam Act 2003.

The Salaam Foundation website uses cookies, tracking pixels and related technologies to better serve visitors of our website. Cookies are small data files that serve automatic text, image, video, or interactive media advertisements by third party publishers. These are targeted to site content and audience.

Our site uses cookies dropped by Salaam Foundation or third parties for a variety of purposes including to operate and personalise the website. Cookies may also be used to track how you use the site for targeted advertising purposes on other websites.

The information that is collected and logged on our behalf through this technology is not information from which you can be personally identified.

You may not be able to access some parts of our website if you choose to disable the cookie acceptance in your browser, particularly the secure parts of the website. We therefore recommend you enable cookie acceptance to benefit from all the services on the website.

You can opt out of receiving targeted advertising by visiting an online service such as Google Ads Preference Manager, the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) opt-out site, or the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) opt-out site at, or for those in Europe, the European Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA) opt out site at

Third Party Websites

The Salaam Foundation website has links to external third party websites that may benefit the user. External websites should contain their own privacy statements and we recommend you review them when using their websites.

Please note, however, that third party websites are not covered by this policy, and these sites are not subject to Salaam Foundation’s privacy standards and procedures unless otherwise specified.

Trans-border data flows

Salaam Foundation may store your information in cloud or other types of networked or electronic storage. The information we back-up on our clients is held on computing storage held in the USA and Singapore.

We take all reasonable steps to ensure overseas recipients do not breach the Australian Privacy Principles. They are obliged to protect the privacy and security of your personal information and hold it only for the purpose for which it has been agreed.

Sensitive information

Sensitive information is information about you which is information or an opinion about your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, membership of a political association, religious beliefs or affiliations, philosophical beliefs, membership of a professional or trade association, membership of a trade union or criminal record. Information in respect of your health is also sensitive information.

Generally, we would not collect sensitive information about our donors, applicants and/or subscribers. However, attendees of Salaam Foundation events may be required to provide their accessibility and dietary requirements for the facilitation and logistical planning of the event. We require your consent to have this information and we will request you provide this in writing at the time it is required.

Gaining Access to your personal information

You can gain access to your personal information. In some cases, we may be able to deal with your request over the telephone.

For more complex requirements we will need you to send the request to us in writing. Please contact us via our Contact Us form here.

If you have a comment or complaint about your privacy

If we have breached any of our obligations in keeping your information, or you are uncomfortable about any of our information management practices which have come to your attention, please do not hesitate to contact our Privacy Officer.

We expect our conduct to deliver standards and performance of the highest order and welcome your comments.

Contact us by calling 1300 926 626; or via our Contact Us form here.

Or by writing to:

The Privacy Officer
Salaam Foundation
Grosvenor Place
L32, 225 George St
The Rocks, NSW 2000

Additional Information

We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy in accordance with our current privacy practices. These updates will be updated on our website.

You may request a copy of this Privacy Policy free of charge. However, we reserve the right to reject your request for access in particular circumstances.

Making a privacy complaint

We aim to manage your information and service you to the highest standard possible, however issues may arise. Salaam have an internal complaint policy and supporting procedure which provides a standard method and measures to work to resolve the issue. If we fail to resolve the issue with you, we are also a member of an external independent body, the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA), who can assist in mediating any disputes.

Additional Information

We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy in accordance with our current privacy practices. These updates will be updated on our website. You may request a copy of this Privacy Policy free of charge. However, we reserve the right to reject your request for access in particular circumstances.

A copy of the Trustee Privacy Policy can be found at

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